Thursday, August 9, 2007

Counter Culture

Most people today just don't understand how profoundly psychedelics influenced the world. Nothing new about that, really. People have been doing psychedelics from time out of mind, man.

LSD was a CIA plot that backfired on them big time. Before you knew it, minds were liberated everywhere. Instead of being under the same old propagandist spell of years and years, acid made it seem like you just landed on the planet today and began to look around. Then you couldn't help but notice all the bullshit everywhere. But instead of getting depressed about it, it was like the universe said to you somehow, "Ain't that sumthin'", and it just made you crack up at the enormity of life's absurdities. How can anyone take lieing fools seriously? Well, of course you had to take things like the war, and jackbooted storm trooper police brutality seriously. But that it would win out over the universe? No way, man.
What a joke these fascists are, man. When you get right down too it. Only, you know, when you really think about things like war, it's no laughing matter.

Anyway, acid heads profoundly influenced every kind of art and design work of the times, sometimes in obvious ways, but as often in far more subtle ones. Psychedelics had become part of our legacy, whether fascists want to admit it or not. And according to the Native Americans, part of our heritage as well.

Now, when I'm talking about these psychedelics I'm not talking about the garbage that's been on the streets since the mid seventies which is mostly strichnine and arsenic. I'm not talking about stupid stuff. I'm talking about what was real LSD, but mostly, natural is better. Peyote, shrooms, these days people don't make good drugs. But they should allow better drugs, because then people wouldn't self medicate themselves in this insane society with stuff like speed or sniffing solvents, man. People could, like, you know, smoke some weed or some peyote or something. And for cheap. They wouldn't be turning to all of these drugs marketed by the CIA, man. Meant to make us addicted, stupid, ineffective. No, I like my drugs to be cerebral man. Something I can think behind, you know? And back in the day we educated ourselves about drugs. Everybody knew and accepted the saying "Speed kills."
Which is why we never knew any speed freaks. Or glue sniffers, or heroin addicts, or cocaine addicts, we weren't stupid man. We had self respect. Lot's of pot heads. Lots of acid heads. But none of this other bullshit. Very, very rarely. Out of who knows how many thousands of people I'd partied with, I knew met one speed freak, one heroin addict, and one coke head. All that changed in the later seventies when coke and maggot gagging disco came in as a CIA plot to undermine the counter culture. The "Me generation". Barf, man.

Then they went about their propaganda to make the counterculture look stupid. As for me, I'm proud to have been a hippy. We changed the world, man.

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