Saturday, July 28, 2007

Tiny Red Flowers

I knew these really cool people who had a cabin in the mountains
where we all used to go sometimes.
It was beautiful, overlooking a canyon that had a stream running through it.
So, one day I decided I was going on a hike
with my room mate's dog,
Alexander Graham Beetle.
And because we'd be gone all day,
I took along a bag of trail mix,
and a bottle of Chevas Regal
just in case I got the munchies.
Or if I got cotton mouth
from the LSD.
My favorite sport at the time was rock hopping.
I would make a small staff,
and hop from rock to rock as fast as I could,
up stream
and when suddenly the rocks were too far apart,
I'd vault the extra distance with my staff.
The goal,
of course,
to go as fast as possible without getting wet.
At about noon day or so I told Alex it was time for lunch.
There was a perfect rock upon which to sit
in a little nook of the canyon covered with little red flowers
all up and down the sides of the rocks,
and all around my philosopher's stone.
Chomping on my trail mix,
and taking sips of scotch,
I noticed that Beetle had the tiny red flowers all over his nose.
But the flowers were moving.
That's when I looked closer and saw that
we had parked ourselves
in a humongous nest

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