Tuesday, July 10, 2007

So, the thing is, what is a hippy anyways? A hippy is somebody who isn't fooled by the establishment, man. Somebody who thinks for themselves and knows that materialists and militarists are only in it for the money, and that has little to do with true humanity. The only rule to being a hippy, really, is that you're not uncool. Uncool is like, you know, to be a jerk. Now telling jerks where to get off is cool. Acepting that everybody is different and that's ok, so long as they're not uncool. That's about it. The rest is all about counter culture. Hippies were big on creating a world that made sense to them. Living in a world that could destroy itself at anytime was insane. Listening to so much establishment propaganda everywhere you went was insane. War is insane. The government is insane. America was, well, just insane. Once all of that became clear there was a turning away by a whole generation looking for better, which meant different ways. We simply wanted to put as much distance between ourselves and the insane people and try to find sanity again. For a lot of us that meant back to nature. Nature is sanity. It also meant that a lot of people began to find new drugs of choice, which were, let's face it, better drugs than alchohol, and, well, better drugs than kids use today. We didn't sniff fumes, man. Eeeyuh! Everybody knew that speed kills. Throughout all of my sixties drug use, I met thousands of drug users, only two of which were addicts. Nobody wanted to hang out with those loosers. They'd rip you off, man! No, no. We accepted pot as a sacrament. Not that you had to smoke it to be cool, you just had to be cool about smoking it. Everybody realized that the established Powers That Be were lying their butts off about pot. And it was like, um, breaking bread. Something to do. And better still, you wouldn't fall on your face or hit anybody or anything like what happens with that whiskey stuff. Not really likely to vomit or get hungover from smoking pot, either. Back in the day we did a lot of psychedelics. Man, we tried everything. There were more varieties of LSD than could be counted, mushrooms, peyote, mescaline... just about every kind of psychedelic imaginable. With regard to drugs the wisdom of the day was that if it was God/nature made it was probably really cool, but if it was man made be extra careful. Heroin, coke, speed, pills, booze. All bad drugs. Bad for you! Acid? Well, be cool about it, man. Heavy stuff. Pot? Get real? My Grandmother smoked the stuff, but she called it Asthmador. Politically, of course, we didn't just lean left, we leaned hard left. Hard left because there seemed to be some trace of sanity remaining on that side of things. Everything else was BS. Just a few thoughts of the moment.

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